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President - Fatima Villasenor

Stanislaus County

Vice President - Billy Blythe
Kern County

Treasurer - Linda Trias

San Mateo County

Secretary - Elizabeth Ichikawa

Solano County


Lori Price

Quest Intelligence

Emily Chourre

Marin County

Jessica Bowden

Kings County

Irena Luft

Sonoma County




DIRECTORY UPDATE TASK FORCE - Regional Representatives (see "Regions" tab for Reg. Reps. contact information)



WEBSITE MANAGERS - Mark "Billy" Blythe, Kern County & Fatima Villasenor

LISTSERV MANAGER - Mark "Billy" Blythe, Kern Coutny

NEWSLETTER "C.I. Network" EDITOR - VACANT (if interested in assuming this role, contact any of the Board Executive Officers)



(at a minimum the following)


A.   Schedule, preside at, and conduct all Board meetings and CASCI business meetings​

B.   Serve as Hotel liaison.

  • Ensure all contracts with Conference vendors (hotel, community dinner, audiovisual, etc.) are in order

C.   Work with local host county and Board members to coordinate all aspects of Annual                          Conference

  • Send thank you letters to host county​


D.   Coordinate Continuing Education Credits

E.   Coordinate and prepare meeting agendas

F.   Coordinate the work of Board members and committees of the Board

G.   Appoint Ad Hoc Task Groups as necessary

H.   Act as official spokesperson for the Board be available to all members with questions or                    concerns, Write “President’s Message” for Website and/or Newsletter

I.   Maintain Board member contact information and distribute to Board


J.   Prepare updated letterhead and distribute to Board.


K.   Promote continuity from previous Board(s) by communicating with outgoing Board                            members and reviewing CASCI records


L.   Promote continuity by communicating with incoming Board members, providing clearly                    outlined guidelines to Board responsibilities, and maintaining simplified records


M.  Update Golden Quill List

N.  Prepare and distribute Membership Drive announcements as needed

O.  Prepare and distribute Annual Conference announcements and registration

P.   Maintain registration with California Secretary of State as needed


Q.   Approve conference presenter letters and forms from Vice President


R.   Ensure future annual conference host counties have been assigned to Member at Large


S.   Foster a sense of team spirit on the Board


T.   Work with Board members to develop ongoing goals and projects for CASCI


U.   Initiate regular discussion among Board members


V.   Ad hoc duties: (Only supervise)

  • Package and mail CI manuals as ordered (Treasurer)

  • Obtain speakers for conference (all Board members except Treasurer and President)

  • Scout hotels; scout community dinner venues (host county)

  • Prepare and mail rejection letters for all hotels not selected (if necessary)

  • Solicit Regional Representatives (entire Board)

  • Promote development of listserv and website (Member at Large)


W.  Maintain all CASCI records until next President in office​​




(at a minimum the following)


A.   To assist the President with his or her duties and to serve as President should the position                become vacant during the President's term.


B.   To attend CASCI meetings and discuss relevant issues with the  Board.

  • To cast votes when issues are brought before the Board.


C.   To act as the Speaker/Presenter Coordinator for the current term’s annual training. The V.P.            shall contact general membership via list serve or other available written format and solicit              training topics from the whole membership.

  • This should be after the first Board meeting following the Annual training and no later than October 15 of each year. Suggestions from the group shall be sent back to the V.P. via direct e-mail no later than November 1 of each year.

  • V.P. will provide this information to the Board. The Board will vote on the final list of Training  Topics  by a selected date.

  • The V.P. will prepare Conference Presenter letters and forms with these to be approved by Board President.


D.   To act as liaison with Host County regarding their responsibility to secure minimum of three            (3) speakers in the general Host County area.

  • The speakers are to be able to present information on the topics that have been selected (1) by the general membership and (2) finally approved by the Board for the annual training.

  • The V.P. shall inform Host County to seek the donations of "copy" costs.


E.   To act as the Regional Representative Coordinator - The V.P. shall contact the Region Rep.’s            via letter  and encourage them to coordinate a regional training no later than 4 months before          the annual training.

  • The letter shall contain a statement regarding Board approval for budget, detailing the role of the Board (support) and their responsibility (to plan and coordinate training.)

  • The V.P. shall give updates to the Board regarding any training in the planning process or            completed. The V.P. will give updates at the Board meetings.


F.   To be a supportive Board member - To help encourage other Board members to attend meetings                whenever possible.

G.   Active role in conference planning - To have as active a role as possible with conference planning and        activities at the conference.


H.   To encourage CASCI membership and conference attendance whenever interacting with                   investigators from other counties.




​(at a minimum the following)


A.   CASCI Board Meetings


i.   Attend all CASCI Board Meetings


ii.   Take an active role at all Board Meetings

  • Discuss relevant CASCI issues​


iii.  Cast Votes on issues as necessary


iv.  Bring “CASCI Minutes Notebook” to all Board Meetings

  • Current and past Board meetings Minutes

  • Current and past Newsletters

  • Current Membership Directory

  • Current copy of Annual Membership Announcement / Dues Statement

  • Current and past Conference Evaluation Compilations (“Overall Conference Evaluation”)

  • Current and past Constitution and Standard of Ethics

  • Current “Minimum Uniform Standards of Practice for Probate Court Investigators”

  • Current Job Descriptions for Board Members

  • Current Contact Information sheet for Board Members


v.   Record Minutes of all Board Meetings

  • Brief synopsis of what was discussed

  • Call to Order and Adjournment

  • Key Votes:

          a. Motioned By

          b. Seconded By

  • Finalize Minutes working in conjunction with Board President

  • Disseminate Finalized Minutes to all Board Members a minimum of 45 calendar days prior to the next Board meeting


B.   CASCI Annual Conference Planning

  • Take an active role in the planning of the Annual Conference

  • Suggest a minimum of two speakers / topic ideas for Conference

  • Assist with putting together Conference packets

  • Assist with obtaining Raffle Prizes for the Conference

  • Develop Program Agenda for the Conference

  • Order the Complimentary Gift for Conference Participants


C.   CASCI Annual Conference - Record Minutes of Annual Conference

  • Brief synopsis of what was discussed

  • Call to Order and Adjournment

  • Key Votes:

          a. Motioned By

          b. Seconded By

  • Coordinate, and assist with, Preparation of Nametags for Annual Conference Attendees, Speakers, and Board members

  • Prepare “Certificates of Completion” for individuals attending Annual Conference

  • Write Thank You notes to Speakers and Presenters at Annual Conference within 30 calendar days of the Conference

  • Compile information from Conference Evaluations

  • Disseminate information to all Board Members a minimum of 45 calendar days prior to the next Board meeting


D.   CASCI Newsletter

  • Develop, in conjunction with other Board members, and Distribute a new and current CASCI Newsletter in January/February and May/June of each calendar year


E.   CASCI Membership

  • Encourage CASCI membership and conference attendance whenever interacting with other investigators

  • Work in conjunction with Board President on Membership Announcement

  • Respond to any correspondence received regarding Board business, as directed by the Board

  • Coordinate Development of “New BOARD MEMBER PACKET” and “new REGION REP PACKET,” and make sure packets are distributed at end of conference to new Board Members

  • Assist with Updating the Website




(at a minimum the following)


A.    Attend all CASCI Board meetings.


B.    Prepare and provide a current Treasurer’s Report 

  • make copies for all Board members.


C.    Attend annual CASCI conference. Prepare and provide Annual Treasurer’s report. 

  • Copies to be distributed to each attendee at conference.


D.    Collect all income and pay all debt.

E.    Maintain accurate records (at least 7 years) and reconcile bank account on monthly basis.


F.    Pay the annual Tax Exempt Status filing fee. (Usually done in JUNE)


G.   Prepare and update annual CASCI budget.


H.   Process membership payments and maintain membership list.


I.   Process all income and expenses as related to the annual training conference.


J.   Order treasurer supplies as needed. (membership cards, receipt books, stamps etc…)


K.   Respond to all inquires regarding CASCI in a timely manner.


L.   Maintain inventory of Guardianship and CI manuals on CD and distribute as necessary.



The annual CASCI conference. The Treasurer will receive the registration forms with payment, workshop  choices, and community dinner with meal choices. The Treasurer will then do the following:

  • Compile the list of names of conference attendees, grouped by county. A copy of                     the list will be placed in each of the folders provided to attendees at the conference.

  • Compile a list of meal choices. This list will be provided to the restaurant and used for preparing meal tickets if needed.

  • Compile a list of attendees for each workshop. A copy of the list will be placed in each of the folders provided to attendees at the conference.

  • Prior to conference make sure that Hotel and or the liaison person is aware of total number of attendees and the number of attendees in each workshop to ensure enough seating. Be prepared for a few late registrations and a few cancellations.

  • If meal tickets are required then prepare and distribute to each attendee. Past experience dictates that the easiest way to distribute is to pass these out with the nametags during registration.

  • Make arrangement with Hotel regarding payment. Partial payment is usually required prior to the  conference. Confer with CASCI liaison in this matter.

  • Prepare ANNUAL TREASURER’S REPORT for conference.

  • The Treasurer shall present a Conference Report to the CASCI Board at the first meeting after the conference is concluded. The report will include a breakdown of all receipts and expenses with regards to the conference.

  •  Annual membership dues. The treasurer shall do the following when annual dues are received.

         a.    Record the name of the member on the current roster, grouped by county.

         b.    Provide a membership card and CASCI pin if a first time member.

         c.    Provide a receipt when requested if payment was via personal check.

         d.    Deposit checks and enter deposits in check registrar.


(at a minimum the following)

In addition to their general Board responsibilities, the three Members at Large are expected to share responsibility for the following (tasks can be divided among them at first Board meeting of term):

A.   Recruit next term’s Host County and Host County Representative (“HCR”) and serve as                      liaison during current term (receive guidance from Board as to which region to search and what                    materials to provide potential host counties)

B.   Recruit term following next term’s Host County and HCR and serve as liaison during                          current term (receive guidance from Board as to which region to search and what materials to                        provide potential host counties)

C.   Find 1-2 speakers for Conference (in conjunction with efforts of entire Board and Host County)


D.   Coordinate Golden Quill Award:

  • draft and collect nomination forms and present nominees to Board; identify and work with coworker of winner to draft presentation speech; procure plaque for winner


E.   Update Constitution as required


F.   Serve as liaison for various CASCI Committees and Task Forces (including Legislative,                            Guardianship, and Aphasia)


G.   Promote development of website;

  • update whatever current website being used.


H.   Manage Google Groups listserv (or other Internet communications as they evolve)


I.   Prepare conference scholarship recipient letters –notify all candidates of outcome


J.   Assist with obtaining raffle prizes for evaluation submissions at conference.


K.   Prepare any promotional CASCI letters should Board pursue any during current term.


L.   Taking photographs at the conference for CASCI archives.


M.   Act as the Hospitality Suite Coordinator- before and during the annual conference.


N.   Develop, collect and tally Conference Evaluations.

  • Give results to Secretary for the next Board Meeting


O.   Specific duties with respect to serving as Host County liaison:

  • Ensure that HCR is aware of upcoming Board Meetings (and help to coordinate travel arrangements if HCR is attending)

  • Connect with HCR regarding approximate budget for items such as community dinner and hospitality suite

  • Ensure that HCR is obtaining agreed-upon speakers and that HCR’s speakers are informed as to the nature of the profession of Court Investigation

  • Ensure that HCR has Host County task list and is following it.

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