What is the cost of membership?
The annual membership dues is $75.00. This nominal fee is due in January of each year and allows you to be an active member of our statewide listserv, which has daily discussions among Probate Court Investigators statewide. CASCI Membership also allows you to attend the Regional and Annual Conferences at a discounted rate.
What is the CASCI Listserv, what are the benefits and how do members get added?
When you join CASCI, you can then join the LISTSERV. This is a closed email population that allows communications with Court Investigators statewide through the use of one email address. You will begin conversing and learning from other CI's instantly. You will be included on conversations about new laws, "how to" questions, and a full spectrum of information sharing among California Court Investigators. This has become a primary source of information among the members and we believe it is invaluable.
Who Can Become a CASCI Member?
Membership in CASCI is open to all persons who meet the definition in Probate Code §1454 and who are performing the functions of a court investigator. Persons who meet the definition may be trial court employees, county employees, independent contractors, or employees of agencies contracted by the court to perform the functions. Persons directly supervising court investigators are also eligible for membership whether or not he/she is performing the functions of a court investigator.
Persons who do not meet the above requirements may apply for membership if nominated by a member in good standing. The Board of Directors must approve membership by a majority vote.
Membership benefits, including access to the “Listserv” and the “Members Only” section of the CASCI website, may be revoked by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for cause. Cause includes disclosing confidential information to persons not entitled to it, posting comments deemed unprofessional or unethical, or abusing the purpose of membership. Prior to revoking a member’s benefits, a written complaint must be provided to the board and the member given an opportunity to respond.