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Region I -  Butte,  Colusa,  Del Norte,  Glenn,  Humboldt,  Lake,  Lassen, Mendocino,  Modoc,  Nevada,  Plumas,  Shasta,  Sierra, Siskiyou,  Sutter, Tehama,  Trinity and Yuba counties


Representatives  - Christine Flynn - Mendocino

                                Roberta "Bobbie" Rowland - Nevada

Region III -  Alpine,  Amador,  Calaveras,  El Dorado, Fresno,  Inyo,  Kings,  Madera,  Mariposa,  Merced, Mono,  Placer,  Sacramento,  San Joaquin,  Stanislaus, Tulare,  Tuolumne and  Yolo

Representative  - Anna Moradian - Madera

​​Region II -  Alameda,  Contra Costa,  Marin, Monterey,  Napa,  San Benito,  San Francisco, San Mateo,  Santa Clara,  Santa Cruz,  Solano  and Sonoma


Representative - Vacant

Region IV - Imperial,  Kern,  Los Angeles,  Orange, Riverside,  San Bernardino,  San Diego,  San Luis Obispo,  Santa Barbara and Ventura

Representative - Vacant

Regional Representative Responsibilities



  • Serve as liaison between your region and the Board

  • Keep updated "master copy" of your region's directory and have it readily available for the Board and CASCI active members

  • Keep in contact with the Board through periodic emails and possibly one Board Meeting attendance per year

  • Rally court investigators in your region to:

    • Join CASCI

    • Join the listserv

    • Share ideas, concerns, resources with you

    • Make sure they are getting the CASCI information; keep on top of turnover

  • Put on a regional conference (if feasible)

  • Help coordinate when something major is going on (for example, in 2001, Reg. Reps. coordinated local discussions of the proposed Minimum Uniform Standards of Practice)


From old newsletters

  • “Your regional representative is primarily responsible for mailing communications to you” (1982)

  • “Your regional representatives are responsible for disseminating information and initiating educational workshops and seminars for the purpose of training court investigators.” (1989)

  • “Regional reps serve as the liaison between the CASCI Board and the individual  counties.  They also sponsor mini-conferences or other events.” (1995)


From CASCI Constitution

  • Members of the Education Committee are supposed to have a chairperson (who may or may not be on the Board)




If a regional workshop or training is planned, the following must be coordinated:


  • One day or ½ day

  • Complement (not conflict with) annual CASCI conference

  • The regional training/presentation must be conducted between the months of July through January (as to complement the annual conference)

  • Give proposals for training/regional conference to the Board no less than six weeks prior to your planned training

  • Submit proposal and obtain budget approval from the Board prior to advertising any training sponsored by CASCI*

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